Gang activities in MMORPG: The balance discord and FFXIV subreddit pedo gang
balance discord and FFXIV subreddit gang: history of abuse
The abuse problem has existed
within the FF community for over a decade now. Like a cancer this has been
going on for far too long. If you play world of warcraft then you must have
heard about Methodjosh and the abuse environment within warcraft guilds. Players
abused their power and positions within the discord and social media community to
exploit others; for years. They left the gaming community scarred and extinguished
its true potential. Things like these can easily malign a game’s reputation. I
will get right to the point now. The balance discord employs and relies upon a
large number of people. Many of these people are not only mods across the FFXIV
related discords, but they also have a hand in moderating FFXIV websites and
Few years ago the Reddit FFXIV
discord lost its partnership due to NSFW images (some depicting minors) on its
discord server. Yoshi himself addressed similar issues and warned people
against such activities. The FFXIV social media community is not fragmented
like it is in World of Warcraft. We do not have an icy veins or wowhead; all we
have is the balance discord. The balance discord literally gate keeps progress
for almost all the content and if you want free guides then you must go to the
balance discord. It does charge members a fee in return for higher ranks and
the leader (goes by the name Sayaka, Oh’ No and many others. Lyra Rose and so
on swap roles) has the ultimate power. He is like a shapeshifting piece of shit
where he has numerous of characters and tends to change names and ownership all
the time; but you can tell it is the same piece of stinking trash behind it
all. In the past he has switched ranks around to his alts and other people he
knows; but he very much owns the server and he is never afraid to say so.
People who said no to his suggestions and requests found it the hard way.
The problem lies in the fact that this guy is a very nasty person. He used to
have a loli channel where minors would be depicted in questionable ways (I
can’t talk about that shit here because there are requirements for these blogs).
They also have discord servers on the side that simmer beneath the surface -
but he is never afraid to bring this side of him to the forefront of the
community. Perhaps the asshole can’t control him. Neither can his likeminded
colorful named buddies. Their behavior is not just limited to art or speech. He
pressures other members into agreeing with things they want no part of; many
are along for the ride and I don’t think they are as bad as they seem to be.
When this grimy shit eventually explodes which it will; the aftermath will
destroy our game’s reputation – the game we love. Maybe it will take the whole
fucking mmo community with it. Perhaps that is what it deserves to begin with.
Here he is talking about watching porn near a 6 year old (his relative). They
also talk about a discord member being 15 and so on:
Below are several videos of him where he constantly brings up sexual themes
with people who are minors apparently as he refers to them as “pure”. You will
see him repeatedly defend his loli channels and then constantly bring up the
subject of pedophilia and “flat chested little guys”. Similar to MethodJosh he
is surrounded by people who are not only loyal to him and help him make a butt
load of money; they enable him to wield a great amount of power – many of them
seem to share the same deplorable fetishes that he does. They will immediately
ban people if their sexual gratification is not reciprocated.
The mods will at some point promise
to “do something about it”; only to let pedophilia slide as it brings many
viewers to their servers, on the other hand bans are immediately handed out to
those who do not curb the line. It felt like they overpowered people in the
discord and led them into sexual conversations over and over ad infinitum.
Tiffany Liz was a mod on the server and you can see Sayaka discuss these
deplorable things with Tiffany Liz. Tiffany Liz is also the person responsible
for managing the monk community. I have linked the videos below.
We need to stop these people from
pushing the game into a corner that WoW ended up in. He has a history of racism
but he deleted all of it, you can still see him calling Germans pedos
(projecting). Tons and tons of Islamophobia (deleted now). Things are nastier
on the hidden servers but I no longer have access to them. A prior mod named
Roxa Claire would throw N word around like it was nothing. I am being very
light here - watch the clips for yourself. This is nowhere near the worst of these
disgusting clowns (no offense to clowns I actually like clowns). You can see
Roxa Claire in these videos. There are many others but I would run out of
time and space. Namely Sayaka, u/Eanae, Lyra Rose, Kiri Kitone, Roxa Claire,
Nethar, Rin, Tiffany Liz, Dook Prime, Ramza, Iluna Minori, Raid utility,
Fliegard Lucard, Yukio Shirogane, Myta Belle ( the guy who translates
everything but is a very strong supporter and enabler on the ffxiv reddit
discord). Eanae is the owner of the FFXIV subreddit. He also owns a server where they coordinate
which people to attack (evidence of it below). This is a gang
folks. This is a
modern day gang. They are doing the same shit the most messed up of sociopathic
freaks have always done throughout history – discord and reddit is a place
where these people gather and mobilize against the victims.
If all the discord servers are
owned by a guy coming across as different people and meanwhile soliciting all
kinds of rules and homogenization from their members - then yeah the opinion
would be pretty homogenized across all the servers. And then well assume for a
second that one of his server mods is also working for trust and safety
department of discord itself then godamn it sure is a recipe for silent
disaster (silent retaliation?). Now I actually do not know if this is true but
in the past I heard something like that, that a discord mod might also be a mod
there. This I cannot confirm. Sexually manipulating and grooming hundreds of
people for your own sexual gratification and then screwing them up so bad in
the head that they are driven to suicide ?(because they are unaware of how they
were controlled and manipulated in the first place). Gaslighting them through
an army of sockpuppets?
This gang and these gangsters
repeatedly admit that they want to be the way they are and simply do not want
to lose sponsorship or clout. They only deleted the channel because they were
afraid of blow back. This gang has no remorse; at least I do not see it. You
just get more censorship against whistleblowers. The actions still continue. See
the videos for yourself; they are pretty boring and grimy so I apologize in
advance. We have to save our game. We cannot let these people be the mascot for
our community. And really this is just one guy I got so sick of looking at this
shit I did not have the stomach to research all of these bastards.
Some brief mentions of the activities in media:
Directors briefly
talking about it:
Ilya dalamiq discussing
it with fear:
Witchhunts against popular
This is a big one. Not only are
these human piece of trash and garbage abusing people but they also are some of
the most envious and miserable people on the planet. FFXIV’s streamer community
had a very hard time taking off because they would constantly organize
witchunts against popular streamers. Take Mr.Happy for example; they organized
a witchhunt against him on the FFXIV subreddit (same mods on the discord
servers). They tortured him to a point where he almost quit streaming. They
even started a website called to attack him further. These are
the people who plaster their own names line after line on their balance and
ffxiv subreddit discords because they are so desperate for clout and attention
(probably so they have the power and influence to abuse people?); that they
post their names on every single line. If they could get away with it there
will just be their names and sexual requests and no guides or game info at all.
So it makes sense that after all this work they do not get the clout or
recognition and so they attack anyone who does (a streamer with actual charisma
– MrHappy).
There was also a thing about
death threats against the streamer lazypeon but people were smart enough to
hide any traces so I won’t delve into that. You are free to google it. He even
had to delete his own tweets and he changed countries since then.There is also
Tankmods who cycle through their alts on the discord server basically attacking
other streamers like MTQcapture and ilya dalamiq. I am surprised they have not
been sued yet. Any streamer who is not directly affiliated with the discord
server and subreddit will get attacked relentlessly. And an illusion of public
opinion is passed off when it’s just the mod alts spreading these rumors and
agreeing with themselves (meanwhile evading any witchhunt related ban because
the rules they have are 100% there to only protect the abusers (themselves) and
not the victims). They do not refrain from attacking people ingame who are not
advertising their optimization tools. Again; a gang that does everything a gang
is expected to do.
Prior to Asmongold's arrival
DesperiusFFXIV was the one with highest views on FF videos. He too was banned
from these servers under the "Do not spread misinformation" rule. But
once again you have someone getting clout and these mods trying to sabotage
them. They made shoddy dps apps to parse dps in FF knowing fully well that FF
hides its damage over time data – so the dps meters are pointless. These meters
are incapable of seeing your gear or stats. Any mention of this is once again
prohibited. The gang wants its money.
Asmongold’s opinion on the
Ilya talking about it directly but he is very afraid to take a stance (understandable)
Further proof of the gang's
operations in this video and links (u/Eanae):
Not very unlikely for abuse
allegations to get deleted on reddit and reappear in a different altered format
now is it?
They go after "trouble individuals". What exactly is trouble you ask?
well you already know the answer. Anyone who stands up to abuse. Anyone who is
more popular than they are. It is a gang and it operates like one. They have a
hitlist they are always working on; kapeesh?
Recent sexual assault allegation:
FFXIV subreddit possibly burying
a sexual assault allegation by one balance mentor against another balance
Fake accusation, an army of sock
puppets and gas lighting:
So recently there have been some
fake allegations popping up. Where the accuser is posting on an affiliated
website and they shower the mods with compliments. Praise the server. Go into
details complimenting them. The accusations themselves are basically there to
create doubt because these allegations are completely meritless to anyone with
common sense. They started doing this after I released this information. The
target of these allegations is always a sockpuppet on discord that’s been
around for few years and conveniently gets banned (deleted) after the gaslight
accusations have been posted. A real insult to the intelligence of the
community; but it seems to be work here and there. A tell-tail sign is the
amount of compliments and pats you will see towards the mods. These started
popping up few months ago and I figured it is a type of damage control. These
guys are used to doing stuff like this so it is probably not new to them. Some
of these people have been around 20 years going back to FFXI. Yeah this is not
new. There are also videos like this so keep that in mind. The real stuff you
can never talk about on reddit or the discord servers. You will have no chance against
this gang on their own turf.a
used to run a nothing-held-back server on the side which was the official
discord for the Gilgamesh server on Aether. Here the nword was thrown around
casually. People like Locke Rockwell had no qualms about using these terms
themselves. They would routinely coordinate witchhunts against players on
Gilgamesh using this server and banned anyone who disagreed with them.
This was before novice network came into existence. With the novice network in
place they moved their operations into the game for a while and then just
scattered towards the balance and reddit ffxiv discords.
Financial operations of the gang:
Not limited to:
Joining party
finder groups and then sabotaging them. Recommending them to buy clears
fflogs and then charging for rotation bots which can be used to achieve maximum
rankings; regardless of the inaccuracy of fflogs. Also selling logs themselves
by piloting characters
strategies they know they don’t work so that the party finder picks them up and
is unable to clear an otherwise easy boss
teams which do not use software or websites other than the ones affiliated with
the balance and the ffxiv subreddit discord.
Banning and
sabotaging popular streamers like desperiusffxiv, ilya dalamiq, mrhappy and
MTQ. Instead promoting server content creators that are part of the pedo gang
The solution and the
Is it
too much to ask for a peaceful, safe and fun gaming environment? What is so
difficult about getting guides and game information without being abused? Why
can't you just go to the novice network or discord and talk about a game;
without a sexually depraved predator constantly barraging you with their fetishes
and short comings. Why do you have to deal with someone talking about
your age or sex and trying to get something out of you. Why can't you have a
discord server for information without the witchhunts. Why can’t you not
advertise for a group without using a website shoved down your throat by these
gangsters?People say only the worst are drawn to these discord moderator jobs
given the nature, but I disagree. I believe some people do have the right
intentions in these roles (perhaps a small minority) and these people are the
ones who should be in charge.
FFXIV has always been a casual friendly toxicity free game. The raiding
scene was not always competitive and back in the day people didn't care much
for world firsts. Then a small minority of people started getting into it and
started talking about it. The game's combat system is designed so that it shows
the damage over time effects on a mob as one tick regardless of how many people
have damage over time effects on the mob. And this lumping of dot damage in the
combat log prevents any proper logging of damage done by members of a raid team
- to prevent toxicity. These measures were implemented by Yoshi to prevent
toxicity; did not stop these disgusting people from making half-ass fake dps
simulators and passing them off as accurate dps meters. These meters were not
even credible enough to be called a good simulator because even a simulator
would require a person's gear to make a half-decent estimate of an individual's
Then the
advertisement and affiliation money started rolling in. They could then
manipulate people using their power for sexual gratification. They then
proceeded to self-advertise and self-promote all over the game telling people
to "post your logs" and "go to balance for education".
Meanwhile just like a Harvey Weinstein they used power to groom and abuse
people in these places where people came for education and damage enhancement.
Several years later you see what that has led to - people wanting to suicide
because they have no idea what is happening to them; they have been scarred so
should make their own discord servers. The community should fragment. Warcraft
has class discord servers (which still have problems unfortunately) that are a
better alternative (not a perfect one). You can also host guides and all the
info on websites and then post them as links on the discord server. They
absolutely cannot hit you with a copyright strike because 99% of their content
is straight ripped from FFXIV without Square Enix' permission. There is a
reason why these dirtbags sit on discord for sex. Square Enix allows these
people to use their assets because they are not yet aware of the damage being
done by the gang.
never change, they only refrain for a while and then go right back to what they
were doing before - it is in their nature. They will ban and delete a sock
puppet or two but nothing would ever change. I would tell you not give them
your money, but if you are giving them money then you are more than likely a
part of the problem and not a part of the solution. Nothing I say would mean
anything to you because you are one of them. You are the abuser. FFXIV deserves
better than to be sabotaged by a gang of pedos.
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